Buy BCN Lumen Peptides 5 x 5ml

Product size

5 x 5ml

$ 180.00$ 1,200.00

$ 180.00


Buy BCN Lumen Peptides 5 x 5ml With Bitcoin, MoneyGram, And Western Union

If you want to buy BCN Lumen Peptides 5 x 5ml at cheap price, then Pro Beauty Aesthetics is your right destination. You can buy BCN Lumen Peptides 5 x 5ml with bitcoin, moneygram, and western union here. We will also help you get BCN Lumen Peptides 5 x 5ml for sale. Order BCN Lumen Peptides 5 x 5ml today!

What are the advantages of BCN Lumen Peptides 5 x 5ml?

BCN Lumen-Peptides additionally contains other fixings, among which it merits referencing retinol and adenosine, which advance the loss of pigmented keratinocytes through stripping, so improving the appearance, glow, and non-abrasiveness of the skin.

  • It is used for the treatment of Hyperpigmentation, whitening treatment relax pigmentation on face and body following up on all phases of the melanin pathway.
  • Nutrients, minerals, amino acids, and other segments of the item demonstration together to assist overall with maintaining a healthy skin that is well-sustained, impeccably hydrated, clear, flaw-free, and more youthful-looking.
  • Valuable to battle against tans, melasma, age spots, pregnancy pigmentations, post-provocative hyper pigmentations.

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